I have a question! Who do I ask?


We’ve grown a lot in the past year, and now we’re a team of nearly 50 people worldwide! Even with a bigger staff, we want you to know exactly who to reach out to anytime you have a question. Here’s a quick cheat sheet of contacts for frequently asked questions.


Questions about a specific project or collaboration → Ask the Client Success Manager

  • Ask the Client Success Manager who oversees your project. This will be the person who initially emailed you inviting you to apply for the project.

  • Their job is to work with both brands and influencers to make sure everyone has a great experience and that the project goes as smoothly as possible.

  • They’re also the number one expert on a particular project, so they’re the most likely to have answers to in-depth questions about the project brief, posting deadlines, or any other requirements.

  • If your request is urgent, put it in the subject line!

  • Most issues, including extensions, can be dealt with in a timely manner by your manager.

  • Managers tend to see and know everything happening with a project - so don’t worry, we have it all under control!

For general inquiries about working with Obviously or how to become an influencer → Ask the Communications Assistant

  • The Communications Assistant can take a look at your profile, double-check your data, or offer insight about how to land a project.

  • When in doubt, go to the Comms Assistant - they know a ton of general project info!

  • The CA is also the person who responds to anything related to our blog and newsletter.


Other ways to get in touch with Obviously for any reason→ Post right here on our blog!

  • This is a community forum where you can ask questions, receive advice, and share knowledge.

  • Your questions will be helpful to someone else!

  • Feel free to start or join any discussion right here.

We’re always keeping an eye out for questions, and we have a real person responding to everything across communications channels. It’s great getting to know you!

Emily BarozComment