This Week at Obviously: Item M6, Postmates, Prynt

Somehow, New York Fashion Week crept up on us and it never seems to get any less frenetic! Fashionistas (legendary and newbies) come together to bop around town; going from show to show, dancing the night away at the after parties and seldom have any time to grab a bite, take a pic, and enjoy the moment. So, for this week at Obviously, we were inspired by everyone attending Fashion Week. See some of our related campaigns from PRYNT, Postmates, and ITEM M6!


For Valentine's Day, PRYNT gifted influencers their portable photo printers just in time for the biggest day of love. Here are some of our favorite posts!. This is such a great staple to have when you want to print some of your favorite runway shots or selfies with your BFFS. Get it here. 


Sometimes, granola bars and coffee from the cart won't do the trick. So, luckily, food apps like Postmates are a godsend. You can get pretty much any of your favorite foods from your favorite restaurants delivered to you in no time. Try not to drool when you see these pix from our amazing influencers


Tights are a STAPLE in your wardrobe, but most importantly, during NYFW. ITEM M6 tights are magical and keep your legs warm and in style. Here are some of our fave stylish looks.