This Week at Obviously: Aura Mugler, Good Enough, Saks Off Fifth

This week at Obviously, we want to share some of our favorite posts from three of our recent campaigns. From coveted NYC events to exclusive tech gadgets, our influencers know how to show us what's up in their fabulous worlds! 

Aura Mugler

Are you as entranced with this perfume as we are? These beauty influencers were gifted the new Aura Mugler fragrance and we're totally green with envy! 

SAKS Off Fifth

We can't ever get enough of Saks Off Fifth! We simply live vicariously through all of these fashion influencers' finds and inspires us to get new digs for our fall/winter wardrobe.

"GOOD ENOUGH" Virtual Movie PremierE

This was just beyond cool. We wanted influencers to have the ultimate movie-viewing experience at home with a virtual movie premiere! Such a better Netflix and Chill moment, don't you think?