Interview Series: How Our Community Celebrates Black History Month All Year Long
Members of the Obviously community reflect on their experiences as Black influencers
and this moment in the industry.
Tiff Benson
A passionate digital content creator, Sephora global ambassador, and entrepreneur who loves perfume, traveling the world, and sharing her love of all things beautiful with her community online.
“For many years, even before I began my career in influencing, there have been far fewer opportunities given to women of color, and this is an issue that has to change… Sometimes you have to be the change that you want to see in the world, and I think Sephora has made great strides in diversity and inclusion in this space.”
Britney Turner
The founder and editor of HerStyle Media, a platform built to inspire and empower women globally, and host of the podcast The Female Millennial. Originally from the Windy City, Britney is a professional content creator who has been in NYC for four years. Her newest venture is digital marketing and social media agency The Boss Up.
“I once had a beauty brand tell me that they didn’t have the need for “my shade” for their campaign. I remember being slightly new to the space since and wondering if this was just the industry and everyone received messages like that from time to time. Fast forward a few years later I’m thankful I didn’t let that stop me from pushing towards my goals and dreams.
This Black History Month I’m really pouring into Black businesses, especially the ones that I know are women- owned. I’m also planning to pour into the youth by giving back to my church in Chicago”
Christophe North
An entrepreneur, advertising executive, high-level product manager, and professor. Christophe is on what he calls the “Gentleman’s Journey,” refining and redefining what is known as the everyday man. As an influencer, he works to shine a light on products and services that enhances a man’s lifestyle and makes the Gentleman’s Journey easier.
“Black culture has highly influenced fashion, design, entertainment, travel. There is nothing we don’t influence, and sometimes that gets lost. Black men are gentlemen. We may have had to work with our hands and break our back a bit. But, after hours or on the weekends, we were always stylish, refined, and expressive…I think we are closing the gap by showing up more in spaces that were once unique to other cultures. Proper representation is good but proper compensation must follow. I have worked with amazing brands that totally get that.”
Lauren Brown
This 18-year old is a sophomore marketing student at Howard University by day and a beauty influencer with over 80,000 followers by night. She loves astrology and boneless buffalo chicken wings.
“Black History Month is one of my favorite times of year… Blackness is not a monolith, it is many people, rich history and beautiful variety. Blackness is an integral part of my brand. As a young black woman who divulges in colorful self expression, my makeup looks are more than just senseless art. I serve as an inspiration for many black women who are called “ghetto” or “ratchet” for using fun, bright colors.”
Dorian Wilson
“Dorian Wilson” may be his official name, but he’d rather you call him Scottie, a name that is part of his “come up” story and has profound meaning to him as an artist. Scottie is a true creative, practicing photography, writing, editing, graphic design, and creative direction. He describes himself as an alternativeblackboy with an “Aries sun, Gemini moon, and Taurus rising.”
“Black History Month is a time of celebration… It’s a month that we acknowledge the artistry, innovation, and the vernacular that is the “black folx”. I believe my culture is truly beautiful and should not be taken for granted. More often than it should, my community as a whole IS taken advantage of. Black people are the engine that run multiple industries of our time. As a Black artist, I make it my business to invoke all forms of our culture and beauty into my art… [this month] I will be creating a project that will pay homage to one of the great artists in my community, Kehinde Wiley…
…MY blackness is defined by who I am as a fluid, queer black male. And I’m learning that no one is allowed to be the judge of it. Becoming aware of my blackness has caused me to see multiple perspectives as to how the world views and considers me.
Some brands are doing diversity and inclusivity right, oh my goodness YES they are! In terms of fashion brands, Fenty Beauty Savage x Fenty, Pyer Moss, and Ivy Park. Those marketing teams are phenomenal! The dedication they have to make all sorts of demographics feel included is so impressive. From the dark skin, to the light skin, petite, fat, straight, gay, trans: the diversity is divine. I am manifesting to work with any of those companies one day! Without even trying, these companies make me feel that smaller artists like me actually have a chance to be seen.”
Thank you to all of our influencers who participated in this interview series! How did you celebrate Black History Month?