Obviously Viral: #Equality
Quote of the week: “Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage.”
This week’s viral madness:
Yes, Equalizer! That is the word of the day as the results are in and we are thrilled to learn that the Supreme Court has finally ruled that states must now allow same-sex marriage ! *plays celebration music* #YayAmerica #LoveWins
We just love how so many companies are responding to this news on social media - notably American Airlines who is showing off their support with flying colors. #PunIntended
Annnd Ben & Jerry's, just to name another amongst many!
So we'll just be spending the rest of the day admiring the rainbows on all our feeds.
If there was ever a time to exploit a Mean Girl’s reference, it would be now, about Taylor Swift’s amazing letter and stand against Apple Music policy which stated it was not going to pay writers, producers or artists for three months! So without further ado, You Go TayTay! #MakingFetchHappen
Here is a snippet of her powerfully yet delicately and kindly written letter expressing her views on the matter, which, by the way, was successful seeing as Apple changed their policy overnight:
Taylor initially posted this letter on Twitter, and so, as you can imagine, the praise ensued:
Speaking of #GirlPower, the Norwegian Women’s World Cup team recently created a brilliant video where they admit the truth: they are terrible at soccer. *gasp*horror*shock* Well, to be exact, the hilarious parody satirizes the sexist stigma they get on a daily basis, to show that, well, they don’t give a sh** but some people are full of it.
"My personal best is 25 kick-ups...with a balloon"
"I sometimes watch women’s soccer on TV...So boooring!"
Speaking of women’s sports, this video hasn’t got viral YET, but it’s a staff favorite here at OS and it is totally worth a watch because Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers do a wonderful job bashing Andy Benoit’s tweet stating that “women’s sports in general was not worth watching”...
Yes, Benoit really said that, and yes, their commentary is really worth a watch.
We’ll momentarily stay on this sports topic but let’s put this “battle of the genders” aside because this man catching a foul ball while simultaneously bottle-feeding his baby is epic:
No hard feelings from the Dodgers who even Tweeted about the catch:
And finally, for your daily dose of animal cuteness, we gift you Milo the dog and his waterslide skills:
Happy Friday everybody!