How is Obviously Different?
Heart and Soul: CEO Mae Karwowski and CTO Max Domain
We want to be your favorite place to turn for working with brands. But what makes Obviously different? We like to say we’re high tech but high-touch too. Said another way, our style is to strike a balance between technology and human interaction. We believe it takes both to run a successful collaboration, and we use our strengths at exactly the right time to create the best possible experience for both our influencers and our brands.
Here are the top ways we set ourselves apart:
Curated Collaborations
Top: Laura Linsowe-Wilson, Juan Flores Middle: Alexis Decarvelo, Cori Lehrman, Katie Kuroski Bottom: Miriam Wakim, Francis Kenneth Anunciacion
We understand that influencers won’t promote just any brand. The right product should be something you sincerely believe in that is relevant to your followers. For this reason, we’re careful not to open every campaign to every influencer. Instead we match you with products that are perfectly suited to you based on a variety of factors.
When we invite you to apply to a project, it means that we’ve already looked at your niche, aesthetic, location, and audience to make sure it’s a good fit on a basic level. This ensures that your time on our platform is never wasted; we’re only showing you the projects we already vetted for you.
Worldwide Presence
We use our platform to connect with influencers all over the world, but we also know how important it is to be physically present and active in our community. That’s why we have five offices across the United States and internationally. You can find us in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Paris- and we’re continuing to grow! We love hosting meet-and-greets in both our home cities and other locations, so keep your eyes and ears open for an Obviously event near you.
A Human Experience
The fundamental difference between Obviously and other influencer platforms is our commitment to establishing authentic relationships with our influencers. We know many of you by name, and are meeting more every day, growing our community into something much more than just an online platform for collaborations. During your projects, you will be assigned a specific manager - a real human being - to answer your questions and walk you through every step of the process. The way we see it, influencer marketing is where human connection meets technology, and that’s right where we want to be ourselves.
With Obviously, you’re never reduced to an algorithm, and you don’t have to deal with bots or automated messages. We’re here for you, and we can’t wait to get to know you better!
Questions about working with Obviously? Leave them in the comments or contact us directly at